This folding chair was redone with Danish Cord to match the origional. The chair is walnut and is very wide and low. The customer has had it for many years and can now use it again.
Here are 3 more of the rocker first posted in July. The patterns in the back and seat are different but match one of the customers origionals which came down through the family. They will be stained as the others and only one more to bring us to finish the set.
This is a standard hand cane rocker. What makes it a little different is that it curves from side to side and also bows from top to bottom. It just requires a little more time and patience to get right. It will be stained to match the seat which was in good shape. The reason the back ripped is someone forgot to ease the edge of the wood where the cane goes over it and the sharp edge eventually cut the cane.
This is the back section of a rocking chair. The spider web cane is brittle, broken and split[not a law firm]. It is a hand cane project and one of a set so the cane pattern needs to be the same. There are other fancy weaves that could have been used.
This is a metal frame that attaches to an arm chair frame. The seat had been broken in many places do to age. The back had new pieces hot glued in place to repair broken ones.The frame for this by the way, is all walnut.
This is the finished seat frame with a light stain to look more "aged". We did the back pattern different then the origional to better match some pieces the customer already had.
The next few posts are for several items all made by the Old Hickory Furniture Co which are still in business today. When these items were made, they had 2 different types of material as they came from the factory. The customers wanted to use one of the origional materials and pattens to bring them together more as a set.
The lounge with the footrest in place. This has an adjustable back. There is a stick that goes across the back in several possable places to adjust the angle of the back. Simple but it works! This item is no longer made by Old Hickory.
This rocker and footstool were done with shaker tape using 5/8 width and 2 different colors to accent. The smaller tape gives a better contrast then the 1" width.
This rocker is one of several in various sizes to be reseated. The customers wanted all done to match the origional weaving which is different in the back then the seat.
This is a small dresser with @ 7 coats of paint on it including around the edge of the mirrior over the beveled glass. This item belonged to the customers Aunt who was a little left of center. She painted all the furniture on a regular basis including some end tables she placed lace on while the paint was wet so it would stick and she wouldn't have to move things and dust! We knew this item was oak, but until we started removing the paint did we discover it was a very wide flake Tiger or Quarter Sawn Oak. It didn't require many repairs and considering, was in very sound condition. The only new item we used was sockets and wheels.
Here is the finished dresser with a light stain to bring out the "flake" of the oak. This dresser is very low with the top only 30" from the floor and a very tall mirrior. A very nice and I think, unusual piece and you can see the beveled portion of the glass!
This Hoosier Cabinet was stored for many years in a tabaco barn and has suffered from the moisture. All the pieces that were made from a ply material have seperated. The bottom is missing and all joints are loose. This item was painted from the factory but the customer would like a wood look if possable.
This was damaged from a break-in at the customers home. They pried off the door and all of the drawers despite the fact that the key was in the door keyhole! This will require replacement of the missing pieces, some carving and a finish of lacquer.
These next 3 items are for a customer in Florida. They came out of a Grandfathers car dealership.
This is a table that goes with the 2 chairs shown below. The pineapple type feet were missing on 3 legs and the wrapping was loose on the strechers. We went ahead and made new feet for all 4 legs and rewrapped the strecher.
This is the first of the 2 chairs. Many spokes were broken and especally the ones going up into the arm causing the arm to sag further breaking the reed. We replaced 90% of the spokes compleatly from the skirting up through the arm and into the braid. These chairs are mostly reed with only a little of the weaving being fibre.
This chair had the front leg broken and several metal braces screwed to it. We removed all that and replaced the broken leg and added a "sleeve" to give strength to the pieces.
This reed and fibre chair was like the first with many broken spokes and both arms loose because the weavers comming up the side and going out to the arm were all broken allowing the arms to sag.
Here we have replaced a broken leg that had several screws in it [doing nothing] and wire wrapped around. By removing the fibre wrapping, we could remove the leg and make a replacement, then rewrap.
This is one of two matching rockers made of fibre. They are not in bad shape but many of the spokes on the backs have broken. The wire rusted and couls not hold up. We also repaired some areas of the seats and replaced both skirts. I believe the skirts were most damaged by people getting up from the rockers and placing their legs back and pushing the skirt backwards. Some new braid and they are ready to paint!
Anderson's Restorations has entered its 30th year of Wicker Repair, Chair Caning, Furniture Refinishing and more. Located in Yadkinville, North Carolina not for from Winston-Salem a quick hop on I77 or Hwy 421 from most locations. Contact us to arrange for us to look at your items or Email some photos for a "guesstimate" on your repairs. You can arrange to have your items sent to us and we will make sure they are packed well and returned to you.
This photo is of one side of the customers rattan bar, part of a set she received from her Grandparents. The cat seemed to think this was a huge scratching post and put several spots like this on the bar, especally on the curved sides. Bad Kitty.
One of two chairs that the Danish Cord was replaced. As with most seats of this type, the front edge of the frame had worn through the cord over time. To help prevent this in the future, we always "ease" the edges of the seat frame to get rid of any sharp edges.
This is 2 of 3 bar seats that had a plastic seagrass look-a-like seats. They were splint and shredded like plastic grocery bags. They were replaced with braided seagrass. The customers response is below.
Received this email from our customer in NJ, "Hi Rob We received the seats Friday night, just put them together today. They look wonderful! Thanks for the detailed instructions on care. I enjoyed doing business with you and will definitely recommend Anderson's Restorations. Christine "
We were featured on our local Fox tv station on a segment called Roy's Folks where they showed some work being done and an interview. If you would like to see this segment, clinc on this link,;jsessionid=1789BBF355A453358D4699902B305FC9?pageId=3.1 then, if it's not on the page at the left side, search for Roys Folks Archive. When you get there, we are under Wicker Worker Jan 28. It was a lot of fun with Roy and David. Take a look!!
This reed rocker was sent to us from KY. It has spent many of the last years in the barn. The seat side rungs are broken, the front rungs are missing. The reed on the seat area is old and brittle and the rolled arms have areas missing where mice have moved in and made nests.
Here is a phot of the reed rocker stained. We have added missing rungs, replaced the entire seat and about half of the round reed running from top to bottom of seat. Both arms also had repaired areas. The rockers are not on in the photo because it will be shipped and by taking the rockers off, we can use a smaller box to save costs.